Facebook might be the most powerful app in the world, but it still operates on Apple’s system. Facebook has been working on augmented reality for quite a few months now, with a vision to build and distribute AR experience to its users. But Apple has again used its power over mobile operating systems to develop a wider AR platform than Facebook or any other company.

Facebook spawned its desktop skills, by developing a gaming platform like Zynga. However the platform was not able to generate the same business on mobile, Apple has forbidden developers from creating game apps inside their applications. However, Facebook tried building an HTML5 gaming platform on the app.

And now that Apple has taken over the challenge of developing better AR software it seems like Facebook’s enthusiasm is slowly going to fade away. Only two months back Facebook, copied Snapchat, and developed motion filters in its Messenger app. Now if iOS plugs in with these AR features, Facebook’s filter camera platform will automatically lose its singular charm in front of the iOS operating system.

While Facebook has only a limited range of partners like EA games, NASA and Nike, Apple takes away all the tech biggies with its ARKit developers. It’s safe to say that Apple will be taking over most of the developer crowd away from Facebook in this war.