Smartphone Giant Xiaomi debuted last year in laptop market with its MacBook ‘inspired’ Notebook Air has recently launched its new laptop Mi Notebook Pro in China (Beijing). It features a 15.6 inch display with attractive narrow bezels and is supported by the unique Gorilla Glass 3 layer protection. It sports the latest 8th generation Intel’s Quad Core i7 processor and is providing one terabyte of SSD storage and sports a RAM of 16 GB. The laptop comes up with an exclusive Nvidia GeForce MX 150 graphic-card which is a powerful alternative as compared to Intel’s graphics.

Xiaomi has priced their flagship laptop at 980 dollars but the availability is still unknown. It’s possible that the sales will be limited to Chinese market. Notebook air, the previous model, was similar to Apple’s MacBook in style and design and it is expected that Notebook Air will follow the same trend. Good thing is Xiaomi prices its laptops half the price of Apple’s MacBook.

Xiaomi Notebook Pro will feature two USB-C ports and a 3 in 1 card reader along with a fully HDMI port. There is also a fingerprint sensor provided on the wide trackpad. The looks of the design are appealing and will definitely draw customer’s attention. The screen has comparatively poorer display as it shows only 72% of NTSC color-space. The laptop is quite heavy and weighs 1.9 kg, and features a bigger keyboard with bigger backlit keys. It supports Dolby Sound and has a good battery rated 60 WH.

Image Source – NDTV Gadgets

Although the sales are limited to China, the product comes in three versions viz. Core i7 (16 GB and 8 GB RAM), Core i5 (8 GB RAM). Going by the success of Xiaomi mobiles in India, it will not be wrong to say that we can expect MI laptops to soon hit the Indian markets.