Gal Beniamini, a security researcher, who is currently working for Google’s Project Zero, unearthed a serious vulnerability affecting phone WiFi chip sets, which are used in Android and iOS devices. Beniamini, explained the danger in the whole process on his blog spot, which elaborates on how WiFi network can work as a potential arbitrary code by an attacker to hack into your device.

He chained together a few demonstrations, where he was able to takeover the full device, using mere WiFi proximity, without any user interaction with the targeted device. The seriousness of the attack and vulnerability can be determined from the fact that, Apple released a 10.3.1 iOS version update in the last week.

Google is obviously aware about the seriousness and threat of security of arbitrary code. However they don’t seem to be putting much thought and work into this as security patch is still not available in multiple of its Android devices.

Although, such cases of arbitrary hacks haven’t come to light as of now. We recommend you to update your OS as soon as possible. These vulnerabilities will impact all Apple models after iPhone 4s, most Samsung Galaxy devices and a few Nexus smartphones.