Apple has recently developed an autonomous testing procedure for its drivers, which is said to act as a failsafe controller during vehicle testing. These details were revealed by a Business Insider through a request that shows public record. Apple has compiled these testing procedures according to the Motor Vehicle’s rules set by California Department.

These documents also revealed that software monitoring system and a hardware sensor has been used in its platform development. This software is being called “Apple Automated System”. It enables the autonomous vehicle to control acceleration, steering, deceleration and other actions involved in driving.

These documents also talk about how the company has used gaming controller equipments in the car to control various parts of the vehicle. However, these documents directly don’t shed any light on Apple’s plan for launching an autonomous driver. It is clear on DMV’s website that Apple indeed applied for, and was granted a California DMV autonomous testing license.

No further plans of the project were revealed in these documents, which makes us unsure to comment on this development. However, this could turn out to an ambitious market strategy for Apple.