There were so many reasons for getting excited about the upcoming Apple’s iPhone overhaul, which included iPhone 7S, iPhone Edition, iPhone 8, iPhone X and a model named just ‘iPhone’, but now we also have a reason for the excitement to fade away. Bloomberg has reported a few leaked details of the product. Its report mentions some features like OLED switch, enlarged curved display, glass chassis and a new home button.

However, this leak also brings some bad news, according to Gurman, Bloomberg blog writer; Apple is having a hard time implementing the touch fingerprint ID sensor on its main display, which makes them a little skeptic about whether or not this feature will be available in the final product.

Gurman pointed out that Apple might plan on moving the sensor on the back of the device, which is surely a dull backup plan. He also reminded us, how Samsung suffered from a similar problem with Galaxy S8.

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Gurman also stated that ‘supply constraint’ can result in further delay of the device release, which is likely to push around November. All said, Apple still has a lot of pressure to deliver an innovated and upgraded version this year, as they will be celebrating their 10th anniversary.