Microsoft has given all the power in developers’ hands, who can decide the power levels on the console. Mike Ybarra, Xbox’s engineering lead, has recently confirmed that Microsoft won’t force its developers to set frame rate parity between Xbox One games and Scorpio.

Ybarra stressed on this fact by  replying to a Tweet, that developers will be given full liberty to choose what they want with their games. In another tweet, he clearly mentioned that Microsoft doesn’t plan on limiting the fidelity or frame rate of the games for the users. Gamers are free to use the power they like to project Scorpio on Xbox for games.

Scorpio is being considered as the most powerful gaming console created by Microsoft. Shannon Loftis, Microsoft Studios head has predicted that most developers will keep their frame rate consistent for multiplayer options.

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Fortunately, you will be able to operate all Xbox One games on Scorpio, with better looking and performing modifications. It can be seen as similar situation to PS4 and PS4 Pro. Microsoft is expected to shed some more light on the subject, as well as the details of its most potential console at E2 or sooner.