Bose QC35 II Headphones Leaked Video Shows Google Assistant In Action
A new sensation is about to hit the markets of Earphones and Headphones, as revealed from the promotional ad of Quiet Comfort 35 II, which hinted the Google Assistant’s latest addition. Google Assistant is Android’s virtual digital assistant, and in its new addition, it will allow the users to request the song they wish to listen to the voice, as it appears from the promo ad of Bose’s Quiet Comfort 35 which will also have a button that could initialize Google Assistant.
Bose seems to deliver a promising product as it will be made of high-quality materials and would feature great noise reduction capabilities. The new product will offer its users to customize the levels of ANC through software updates releasing in recent months. The headphones will have improved battery life but there probably aren’t bigger changes. It is, however, possible that they will include the feature to read and send texts through voice commands. The company is positively working with Google to launch its model which is styled as a combo of Google’s popular product Google Assistant and their own branded headphones.
With the exclusive launch of Google Assistant powered Headphones, the reach of AI-based assistants will immediately grow and it is well known that Google is finally competing with Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa which have already said their foots on several smartphones and headphones.

Apple with its launch of iPhone X and latest Air pods is set to rule the market with a sale of 9 hundred thousand headphones units this year in the U.S. and were among the most preferred wireless headphones in the market. It will be interesting to see Google’s products finally lining up to compete with established brands in Artificial intelligence based products.
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