Facebook Resource App To Spot Fake News On Your Feed
Facebook has been making several attempts to eliminate misleading content and news, which is spread throughout its service. The social media giant recently launched a resource, which will help separate all the fake news from genuine content. This is yet another attempt by Facebook, to enhance its privacy and security policies. This resource link will pop up on your feed for a couple of days, you are advised to go through its tips and policies which can help you spot and complain about the false news.
Facebook’s News Feed vice president, Adam Mosseri, has his fingers crossed that people will become more discerned consumers of news. Media sites have been using social media websites to spread news about celebrity gossips, miracles, and aliens, making absurd conspiracies without any rationality. Thus creating issues regarding quality of content on the site
Facebook is working with media experts, academic researchers, including nonprofit media organization, to find a solution to get rid of any fake news flooding the platform. Mosseri reported that majority of fake content is delivered by spammers who are seeking profit. This resource feature would be seen by users of 14 countries, including France, Italy, UK, Taiwan, Germany and more.
Facebook Messenger’s virtual Assistant ‘M’, will soon start offering better performance suggestions for its users in USA. M was unveiled by Facebook in 2015, which is ready to be tested on some of its users. The virtual assistant can be a good help to find verification of any news.
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