Hewlett Packard has launched a new palm-sized printer in India. It is called Sprocket and it is available online on Amazon and HP’s own website. It’s one of kind printer and it allows users to print out the photographs or documents stored on their phones. It is no wonder that smartphones have replaced the traditional cameras to an extent and day to day life snaps are mostly captured by smartphones, so to invent a portable printer may surely work well in the market seeing its utility and functions.

According to the HP India senior director, smartphones have changed the trends in past two decades and users don’t rush to photo studios anymore for photo albums because they store it in smartphones but can these phones create the same magic as live photos. So the printer can prove as a savior as it allows the instant printout of the captured photos saving a great deal of time and efforts.

As per the company’s guidelines and announcements, users can easily connect their printers (Sprocket) to their smartphones using Bluetooth feature. It will be available for both platforms, Android, and iOS. It would be possible to edit the pics and add optional borders and texts and emojis before taking the final print. The size of the print photos could be possibly 2 x 3 inches.

Image Source: http://www8.hp.com

The photo papers which the Printer will take use, are primarily based on ZINK technology (Zero Ink) which is a full-color printing technology. The papers will be available at affordable prices which are INR 539 for a pack of 20 and INR 1249 for a pack of 50. HP is slowly expanding its market and brand in printers and it was the leader in the printers market in 2017 with around 52 % of the share.